


2024-06-03 18:16:26 来源:网络

1、和某人在某事上打赌 bet with sb on sth



1. Nitpick

这个词据说来源于“抓虱子”,nit就是“虱子”,虱子很微小,但实在是很烦人很讨厌,于是人们都要“抓虱子”nitpick,后来这个词就变成了“挑刺儿,找茬”,nit比喻无关紧要的细节。例如:He tried to get her to stop nitpicking all the time. 他试图让她不要总是找茬。

而 nitpicker 就表示“挑刺/找茬的人”。那要形容一个找茬的人怎么说呢?就是nitpicking了,比如:a nit-picking lawyer 喜欢找茬儿的律师。

2. Find fault with someone

Find fault 的意思就是“批评criticize, express dissatisfaction with”,例如:He is such a man who is always finding fault with other people. 他总是找别人的毛病。

She was a difficult traveling companion, constantly finding fault with the hotel, meal service, and tour guides.

3. Pick a hole in

似乎“找茬、挑刺”就和pick脱不了干系了,pick a hole in / pick holes in,pick apart,pick to pieces 这几个片语都可以用来表示“找茬,挑刺,严厉地谴责”,我们来看几个例子:

As soon as I presented my argument, he began to pick holes in it. 我一表明我的论点,他就开始挑刺。
